Black Ops 6 Zombies: How To Get Staff of Ice in The Tomb

Black Ops 6 Zombies: How To Get Staff of Ice in The Tomb

Wonder Weapons are essential for survival in Zombies mode, and Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 offers a diverse selection, featuring both new additions and returning fan favorites. With the launch of The Tomb map in Season 2, the iconic Staff of Ice returns from its last appearance in Black Ops 3, expanding the arsenal of powerful weapons available to players.

Not only is the Staff of Ice a devastating tool for taking down hordes of the undead, but it also plays a crucial role in completing the map’s Main Quest. Whether you aim to conquer the Easter egg or want a top-tier weapon for surviving The Tomb, mastering the Wonder Weapon is key. Here’s everything you need to know about obtaining, crafting, and upgrading the Ice Staff in BO6.


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How to Get Staff of Ice in Black Ops 6 Zombies

In Black Ops 6 Zombies, there are two main ways to obtain the Staff of Ice. You can try your luck with the Mystery Box, which may randomly grant you the weapon, or use the Wonderbar! GobbleGum to guarantee a Wonder Weapon drop.

Alternatively, you can craft the Staff of Ice by following a series of in-game steps, which require gathering specific components and meeting certain objectives. While crafting takes more time and effort, it ensures you get the weapon without relying on luck.

How to Build Staff of Ice in Black Ops 6 Zombies (The Tomb)

To build the Staff of Ice in Black Ops 6 Zombies’ The Tomb map, players must complete three different steps to gather all the necessary parts of this Wonder Weapon. While the first step is relatively simple, the remaining steps will involve intense waves of combat. To survive, you’ll need to be well-equipped and prepared for increasingly difficult encounters.

Grab the Monocle

To start, players must first reach round eight, triggering the appearance of a Shock Mimic. Defeating this enemy will drop Archibald’s Monocle, the first required component for crafting the weapon – simply pick it up to proceed.

Complete the First Roman Numeral Sequence

Next, head to the Tombs area and locate a mural featuring a bull. Once you’ve identified this location, search the map for glowing purple fire lanterns scattered across key areas, including the Tombs, Shrine of the Hierophants, Neolithic Catacombs, and Subterranean Temple. After finding a lantern, shoot it toward the bull mural. Eventually, one will attach to a column in front of the mural, triggering the appearance of eight symbols on the wall.

These symbols represent Roman numerals, though their design differs from traditional ones. Your goal is to shoot them in the correct order from one to eight. Here’s a translation to make it easier to complete the sequence:

  • 1st Symbol – I
  • 2nd Symbol – II
  • 3rd Symbol – III
  • 4th Symbol – IV
  • 5th Symbol – V
  • 6th Symbol – VI

If you make a mistake while shooting the symbols, the sequence will flash red, but your progress will be saved up to the last correctly shot symbol, allowing you to continue from where you left off. Once the sequence is completed, four different waves of enemies will spawn. To obtain the Staff of Ice piece, you must eliminate these enemies near the glowing purple orb that appears. As enemies fall, the orb will absorb their energy, eventually transferring the Staff of Ice piece to the mural, where you can collect it along with a Max Ammo Power-Up.

To simplify the process, it’s best to leave only one zombie alive if playing solo. Ensure you’re well-equipped with Perks, GobbleGums, and Pack-a-Punched weapons to survive these fights and secure the piece successfully.

Complete the Second Roman Numeral Sequence

After completing the initial puzzle, players must repeat the process at a different location. This time, head to the Neolithic Catacombs and direct the glowing purple fire lanterns toward the mural next to the Crafting Bench. If done correctly, the lantern will locate itself in the center of the room, revealing another Roman numeral puzzle – this time featuring a sequence of ten numbers.

To solve this puzzle efficiently, you’ll need to shoot the numerals in the correct order. Since the font may differ from traditional Roman numerals like the puzzle above, use the following translation guide to streamline the process:

  • 1st Symbol – I
  • 2nd Symbol – II
  • 3rd Symbol – III
  • 4th Symbol – IV
  • 5th Symbol – V
  • 6th Symbol – VI
  • 7th Symbol – VII
  • 8th Symbol – VIII
  • 9th Symbol – IX
  • 10th Symbol – X

Activating this step will initiate another lockdown in the area, requiring you to eliminate waves of enemies before receiving the final component of the Staff of Ice – the Head Piece – along with a Max Ammo Power-Up.


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Assemble the Parts to Build the Staff of Ice

With all the pieces collected, head to a Dark Aether Nexus portal and reach the central rock structure. Interact with it to begin assembling the Staff of Ice. As the pieces fuse together, another wave of enemies of various types will spawn, and you must defend the location for three minutes to prevent them from interrupting the process. Once you withstand the assault, you can claim the fully assembled Staff of Ice.​

Just as in previous encounters, there is an even greater challenge. Ensure you are well-equipped with Pack-a-Punched weapons, Field Upgrade, Lethal and Tactical equipment, and GobbleGums to succeed.

How to Upgrade Staff of Ice in Black Ops 6 Zombies (The Tomb)

To upgrade the Staff of Ice in Black Ops 6 Zombies: The Tomb map, players must complete four distinct steps using the Wonder Weapon itself. This process requires obtaining the Staff of Ice beforehand, regardless of the method—whether by collecting its parts or acquiring it from the Mystery Box.

Freeze the Purple Lanterns

The first step involves shooting three purple fire lanterns in quick succession using the Staff of Ice (within approximately 10 seconds). To make this easier, ensure the lanterns are positioned close together for smooth navigation. The best approach is to shoot each lantern in a sequence that feels most manageable. The screenshots above showcase an optimal pattern that allows for rapid completion. If done correctly, players will hear an audio cue from Archibald.

Shooting the Floating Rocks

Next, head to the Dark Aether Nexus and locate three floating rocks marked with purple symbols. Shoot each rock with the Staff of Ice to bring them down closer to your position. Pay close attention to the symbols that appear on each rock, as they will be essential for the next step.

Entering the Symbols

Find a Dark Aether Nexus scroll that displays multiple symbols on a door. Enter the symbols you observed on the floating rocks during your session. If entered correctly, the door will open, transporting you atop one of the Dark Aether rocks.

Escorting the Orb and Claiming Staff of Ice Upgrade (Ull’s Arrow)

Once inside, interact with the glowing orb, which will then need to be escorted to the central rock structure where the Staff of Ice was originally crafted. Wait a few seconds, and the upgraded version of the Staff of Ice, Ull’s Arrow, will appear ready for use.

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