7 Best Melee Builds For Cyberpunk 2077

7 Best Melee Builds For Cyberpunk 2077
A key part of combat-oriented video games is the creation of builds, offering different ways to play that can range from bad to powerful. As an incredibly expansive game, Cyberpunk 2077 has many builds for players to experiment with, including different weapons, perks, and cyberware to take Night City by storm.

Out of the amount of weaponry in Cyberpunk 2077, there are a lot of viable and powerful armaments to use. Melee weapons can perform as some of the most devastating weapons, be they blunt, bladed, or cyberware. When paired with the correct perks, and utilizing the most powerful cyberware, a melee build can easily dismantle any enemies found throughout the dystopian locale of Night City.


Cyberpunk 2077: 5 Best Blades Perks, Ranked

Players who enjoy wielding blades in Cyberpunk 2077 should focus on snagging the following perks.


Stealth Melee

A Way To Instantly Melee Kill Enemies

Crucial Cyberware

Optical Camo


  • Feline Footwork
  • Gag Order
  • Quick Getaway
  • Ninjutsu → Creeping Death, Shinobi Sprint, Vanishing Act
  • Dash
  • Air Dash
  • Cyborg
  • Extended Warranty

Relic Perks

  • Sensory Protocol
  • Emergency Cloaking

When it comes to melee builds, having one that can instantly kill enemies is always a worthwhile consideration. Stealth in Cyberpunk 2077 works similarly as in other games, where using a takedowns on an enemy can immediately defeat them.

As these are melee, putting investment into stealth can be a powerful return, and one that doesn’t strictly have to limit the use of other weapons. Utilizing takedowns with guns and throwables can be a combo that can easily kill enemies. The Optical Camo cyberware is an important part of any stealth build, making it harder for enemies to detect the player. Optional cyberware can also be useful, such as a sandevistan to easily traverse the gaps between enemies, or different leg implants that affect jumping.


Blades Weaponry

Utilizing The Regular Bladed Weapons


  • Painkiller → Comeback Kid, Army of One, Dorph-head
  • Adrenaline Rush → Juggernaut, Calm Mind, Unstoppable Force
  • Pain to Gain
  • Dash → Can’t Touch This, Mad Dash
  • Air Dash → Aerial Acrobat, Aerodynamic
  • Tailwind
  • Lead and Steel → Bullet Deflect
  • Flash and Thunderclap
  • Finisher: Bladerunner → Going the Distance, Flash of Steel, Opportunist
  • Slaughterhouse
  • Glutton for War → Transfusion, First Aid
  • Health Freak → Field Medic, Borrowed Time
  • Pyromania → Heat Shield
  • All Things Cyber → Driver Update, Renaissance Punk, Chrome Constitution, Chipware Connoisseur
  • License to Chrome → Built Different
  • Edgerunner

Relic Perks

  • Vulnerability Analytics
  • Machine Learning

One of the more popular ways to play Cyberpunk is with a Blades build, utilizing bladed weaponry against enemies. There are multiple weapons in this category and many can work, but the katana is the most commonly used blade.

Using such a build isn’t too different from other builds, as it focuses on staying alive while dealing as much damage as possible. Many of the Reflex and Body perks help with staying alive and dealing more damage. The Technical Ability perks focus on bonuses to cyberware, allowing more chrome while improving the implants already installed via extra stats, more armor, and so on. Additionally, players can spec into throwing knife perks if they are feeling fancy, giving some variety from just melee-focused gameplay.



A Build For A Unique Melee Weapon

Crucial Cyberware



  • Painkiller → Comeback Kid, Army of One, Dorph-head
  • Adrenaline Rush → Calm Mind, Juggernaut
  • Pain to Gain
  • Slippery
  • Dash → Mad Dash, Can’t Touch This
  • Air Dash → Aerodynamic, Aerial Acrobat
  • Tailwind
  • Glutton for War → First Aid, Transfusion
  • Health Freak → Field Medic, Borrowed Time
  • Pyromania → Heat Shield
  • All Things Cyber → Driver Update, Renaissance Punk, Chrome Constitution, Chipware Connoisseur
  • License to Chrome → Ambidextrous, Built Different
  • Ticking Time Bomb
  • Edgerunner
  • Finisher: Live Wire
  • Siphon

Relic Perks

  • Jailbreak
  • Vulnerability Analystics
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Tunneling

The Monowire is one of the more unique weapons Cyberpunk 2077 has on offer. It can be a great weapon for melee builds, be it pure melee, or in use with a netrunner build.


Cyberpunk 2077: 8 Must Have Skills To Be A Netrunner

For players who want to become Netrunners in Cyberpunk 2077, check out these great skills that are a must in 2.0 Phantom Liberty.

The Monowire can be used to attack quickly, easily taking apart enemies. In terms of a pure melee build, the perks used would additionally be found in other builds; perks that keep the player alive, deal more damage, and help with maneuvering through a fight. For use in a netrunner build, the Monowire can be used to help recharge RAM and restore health with perks such as Finisher: Live Wire and Siphon.

Using the thermal version can be extremely powerful when paired with some quickhacks, such as Contagion. As a result, when using a netrunner build with the Monowire, using Ticking Time Bomb will be a powerful tool, as Overclock is a natural choice when hacking enemies.


Gorilla Arms

Beating Enemies Up

Crucial Cyberware

Gorilla Arms


  • Painkiller → Comeback Kid, Army of One, Dorph-head
  • Adrenaline Rush → Juggernaut, Calm Mind, Unstoppable Force
  • Wrecking Ball → Breakthrough
  • Quake → Epicenter, Aftershock
  • Ripple Effect
  • Pain to Gain
  • Finisher: Savage Sling
  • Slippery
  • Dash → Can’t Touch This, Mad Dash
  • Air Dash → Aerial Acrobat, Aerodynamic
  • Tailwind
  • Glutton for War → Transfusion, First Aid
  • Health Freak → Field Medic, Borrowed Time
  • Pyromania → Heat Shield
  • All Things Cyber → Driver Update, Renaissance Punk, Chrome Constitution, Chipware Connoisseur
  • License to Chrome → Ambidextrous, Built Different
  • Edgerunner

Relic Perks

  • Jailbreak
  • Vulnerability Analytics
  • Machine Learning
  • Limiter Removal

The Gorilla Arms might not be as illustrious as the Mantis Blades or as unique as the Monowire, but they can still be a powerful tool for melee builds. Acquired as an arm cyberware, the Gorilla Arms can output large damage as a blunt weapon.

Able to attack rapidly, the arms can deal quick damage. They can also deal harder hits via strong attacks, or other abilities such as Quake. The perks mainly focus on helping the Gorilla Arms deal more damage, aiding with increased survivability, and improving movement to help players close the distance between enemies in fights. In general, any cyberware that focuses on survivability is good, such as armor increases, health refills, and help with stamina. Additional cyberware that reduces cooldown costs are also useful choices.


Mantis Blades

Slicing Enemies Apart Like A Cyberpsycho

Crucial Cyberware

Mantis Blades


  • Painkiller → Comeback Kid, Army of One, Dorph-head
  • Adrenaline Rush → Juggernaut, Calm Mind, Unstoppable Force
  • Pain to Gain
  • Slippery
  • Dash → Can’t Touch This, Mad Dash
  • Air Dash → Aerial Acrobat, Aerodynamic
  • Tailwind
  • Lead and Steel → Bullet Deflect
  • Finisher: Bladerunner → Going the Distance, Flash of Steel, Opportunist
  • Slaughterhouse
  • Glutton for War → Transfusion, First Aid
  • Health Freak → Field Medic, Borrowed Time
  • Pyromania → Heat Shield
  • All Things Cyber → Driver Update, Renaissance Punk, Chrome Constitution, Chipware Connoisseur
  • License to Chrome → Ambidextrous, Built Different
  • Edgerunner

Relic Perks

  • Jailbreak
  • Vulnerability Analytics
  • Machine Learning
  • Spatial Mapping

The Mantis Blades are among the most popular and recognizable cyberware pieces in Cyberpunk 2077. The power of the blades backs up its notoriety, being able to easily slice through enemies like butter.

With the correct perks, the blades can deal huge damage, and offer fast movement. Utilizing finishers via perks is a way to easily dispatch enemies while also gaining health, constantly staying alive and causing as much carnage as possible. The Mantis Blades can be combined with a sandevistan or berserk implant for even more destruction.


Melee Berserker

A Melee Build Focusing On The Berserk Cyberware

Crucial Cyberware


  • Painkiller → Comeback Kid, Army of One, Dorph-head
  • Adrenaline Rush → Juggernaut, Calm Mind, Unstoppable Force
  • Pain to Gain
  • Wrecking Ball → Breakthrough
  • Quake → Epicenter, Aftershock
  • Ripple Effect
  • Finisher: Savage Sling
  • Slippery
  • Dash → Can’t Touch This, Mad Dash
  • Air Dash → Aerial Acrobat, Aerodynamic
  • Tailwind
  • Lead and Steel
  • Flash and Thunderclap
  • Finisher: Bladerunner → Going the Distance, Flash of Steel, Opportunist
  • Slaughterhouse
  • Glutton for War → Transfusion, First Aid
  • Health Freak → Field Medic, Borrowed Time
  • Pyromania → Heat Shield
  • Ticking Time Bomb
  • All Things Cyber → Driver Update, Renaissance Punk, Chrome Constitution, Chipware Connoisseur
  • License to Chrome → Ambidextrous, Built Different, Extended Warranty, Cyborg
  • Edgerunner

Relic Perks

  • Vulnerability Analytics
  • Machine Learning
  • Limiter Removal
  • Jailbreak
  • Spatial Mapping

Some of the most powerful builds in Cyberpunk 2077 make use of cyberware to annihilate enemies. Out of the different operating system implants, the berserk cyberware is an extremely strong tool when built correctly. Body, Reflexes, and Technical Ability will be the main attributes to level up for a berserk build.


Cyberpunk 2077: Best Iconic Melee Weapons Introduced In Phantom Liberty

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty brings many new and exciting iconic melee weapons into V’s hands, as the battle over Night City and Dogtown rages on.

It doesn’t need particular weapons, as blunt, blades, or cyberware weapons can do the trick. The different Dash perks help with maneuverability when fighting enemies, while the various perks affecting blunt and blade weapons aid in dealing as much damage as possible. Adrenaline Rush and its subsidiary perks further help with staying alive while dealing more damage, while some of the Technical Ability perks focus on cyberware and improving it as much as possible for the player. The Cyborg perk paired with the Axolotl implant will be a devastating cooldown, reducing the cooldown for the BioDyne Berserk and enabling the player to enter berserk quickly once its duration has ended.


Sandevistan Melee Build

Perhaps The Defined Way To Use A Sandesvistan

Crucial Cyberware

  • Militech “Apogee” Sandevistan
  • Axolotl


  • Painkiller → Comeback Kid, Army of One, Dorph-head
  • Adrenaline Rush → Juggernaut, Calm Mind, Unstoppable Force
  • Pain to Gain
  • Wrecking Ball → Breakthrough
  • Quake → Epicenter, Aftershock
  • Ripple Effect
  • Finisher: Savage Sling
  • Slippery
  • Dash → Can’t Touch This, Mad Dash
  • Air Dash → Aerial Acrobat, Aerodynamic
  • Tailwind
  • Lead and Steel
  • Flash and Thunderclap
  • Finisher: Bladerunner → Going the Distance, Flash of Steel, Opportunist
  • Slaughterhouse
  • Glutton for War → Transfusion, First Aid
  • Health Freak → Field Medic, Borrowed Time
  • Pyromania → Heat Shield
  • Ticking Time Bomb
  • All Things Cyber → Driver Update, Renaissance Punk, Chrome Constitution, Chipware Connoisseur
  • License to Chrome → Ambidextrous, Built Different, Extended Warranty, Cyborg
  • Edgerunner

Relic Perks

  • Vulnerability Analytics
  • Machine Learning
  • Limiter Removal
  • Jailbreak
  • Spatial Mapping

The sandevistan is arguably the most well-known cyberware, and it has the potential to be an incredibly powerful implant when utilized correctly. Putting attribute points into Reflexes, Technical Ability, and Cool will be the focus. Points can also go into Body, but more so due to the increased survivability it can offer.

The “Apogee” offers a base 15-20% Crit Chance, which can be furthered via additional points allocated into Reflexes, along with some additional cyberware. Higher Crit Chance will be best for dealing powerful Crit Damage; something that gets increased via points allocated into Cool.

With further improvements via cyberware such as the Sensory Amplifier, and with substats on implants and weapons, the damage can easily destroy enemies. The Axolotl paired with the Cyborg perk is a strong combo, as it allows players to utilize the sandesvistan at reduced cooldowns. The perks are shared with other melee builds. They allow the player to deal the highest damage possible, while keeping them alive and offering good movement as is required due to the use of melee weapons.


December 10, 2020

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