Infinity Nikki: How To Take A Photo Of Clown Nose Carson (Handsome Lads Circus)

Infinity Nikki: How To Take A Photo Of Clown Nose Carson (Handsome Lads Circus)

Pieceys are one of the many species available in Infinity Nikki. Like the Faewish Sprites, they’re also descendants of The Wishing One, although how they come to be differs greatly. While Faewish Sprites are said to be made from the Grand Millewish Tree leaves, Pieceys are born from abandoned clothing inflicted with strong wishes.

This is why Pieceys of the Abandoned District would have some sort of clothing piece in their name, like Clown Shoes, Beanie, or Wrist Band. The characteristics of a Piecey also matches the garment they were born from, along with the wishes inflicted on them. A prime example of this concept is the existence of Clown Nose Carson in the Handsome Lads Circus in Infinity Nikki. Naturally, he’s part of a circus, has a signature red nose, and takes the role of a clown in the troupe.


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Clown Nose Carson In Handsome Lads Circus

Finding Clown Nose Carson at the Handsome Lads Circus is one of the 20 tasks available to collect Silver Petals in Infinity Nikki. This daily wish is written by Meita, who said that they have always wanted to see the signature red nose of Clown Nose Carson in the Handsome Lads Circus, and asks for someone to take a photo of the Piecey.

Handsome Lads Circus Location In Infinity Nikki

The Handsome Lads Circus in Infinity Nikki is located in the center of the Abandoned District. Players can use the Warp Spire north of the Market of Mirth to immediately arrive at 3F of the area, which hosts the Handsome Lads Circus. After teleporting to the area, players can walk forward to enter the circus, and then look to the right to find Clown Nose Carson.

How To Take A Photo Of Clown Nose Carson In Infinity Nikki

To take a photo of Clown Nose Carson in Infinity Nikki, players must activate the photo mode and ensure that the Piecey is in the frame. A golden square will appear if the NPC is detected, but if there’s no golden square, then any task related to his picture can’t be completed.

If players are unable to make the photo mode detect the character, here are some things they can try:

  • Hide Nikki from the frame.
  • Zoom in and out, and play around with the angle.
  • Put Aperture at f/16.
  • Relog into the game.

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