- Reworks in Rainbow Six Siege aim to maintain operators’ core identities while updating their gameplay.
- Some original operators like IQ and Blitz may need reworks to stay relevant with newer additions.
- Operators like Grim and Alibi could benefit from changes to their gadgets for increased effectiveness.
Though Ubisoft has mostly focused on packing in as many new operators as possible into the Rainbow Six Siege roster, more recently, they have been playing around with a few reworks too. As seen with Tachanka and Blackbeard, a rework essentially changes the way an operator plays, while still keeping their core identity and uniqueness intact. Reworks tend to happen when an operator is being largely forgotten about by the playerbase, whether it’s due to their weak kit, or their ineffective gadget which simply doesn’t suit the gameplay loop anymore.
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While most operators in Siege are at a point where they bring something special to the table, there are certainly still a few who would greatly benefit from receiving a full makeover from the developers. After the much-celebrated and long-awaited Blackbeard rework, it feels only fitting to take a look at the other characters in Siege who Ubisoft may also want to start thinking about revamping in the near future.
Grim’s Bees Can Be A Little Too Situational For Him To Be Very Effective
Grim is an attacker whose gadget allows him to fire out swarms of bees that will ping any defenders that walk into them. However, it’s honestly quite easy to avoid these pests due to how loud and easy to notice they are. Many players have been asking Ubisoft to remodel Grim just a little bit so that his gadget can be a lot more reliable in snooping out potential roamers since this would make him a much more valuable asset to the team.
For example, if his bees could move on their own, even if it’s at a slow pace, this would make Grim much more formidable, as he could track down anyone that his insects catch the scent of. Giving Grim frag grenades would also be a good change since he could then blow open walls and fill them with bees, making him much stronger than he is currently.
IQ Is Quickly Being Left Behind By Other Intel Operators
IQ is one of the original operators who has been in the main roster from the very start, but considering how long Siege has been around, and the staggering number of new introductions, she’s nowhere near as effective as she used to be. Though she can scan enemy devices through walls, that’s as far as IQ’s ability goes, which pales in comparison to attackers like Brava and Twitch.
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The easiest way to rectify this is simply re-working IQ’s device so that it can hack through walls, or at the very least, disable a trap or gadget for a few seconds by using a remote EMP. This would instantly make her much more dangerous and less dependent on her teammates.
It Might Be Time To Rework The Biggest Balancing Nightmare In Siege
While shields weren’t considered too strong in the early years of Siege, Ubisoft has had a tough time trying to balance them over the years, especially in the case of Blitz. The issue with Blitz is he’s simply too quick, even as a 2 speed operator. He is able to dive head-first into a room, flash the entire area with his shield, and then pick off everyone with his handgun for easy kills.
Needless to say, he’s a nightmare to play against and can feel borderline unfair in a lot of scenarios, so a rework would be greatly appreciated to help him fit in better with the current meta of the game. If his shield, for example, could toss out stun grenades rather than flashing immediately, it would at least give defenders a bit of time to react, while still making Blitz a useful support character. Maybe he could even plant down his shield in a similar way to Osa while it pops out flashes and stuns every so often, which would prevent him from sprinting around the map like a madman.
Many Siege Players Are No Longer Fooled By Alibi’s Decoys, So It Might Be Time To Change Things Up
Alibi’s gadget allows her to throw out a decoy that will automatically ping enemies that fire at it. After being in the game for several years though, most Siege players can easily avoid shooting at these decoys, which has ultimately made Alibi far less effective than she once was. Therefore, changing around these decoys so that they are a little more believable would go a long way in improving Alibi’s pick rate.
If the decoys could walk around on their own, or even use a reload animation now and again, it would automatically make them so much more reliable in snooping out the enemy. If Ubisoft wanted to, they could even take a note out of Marvel Rivals’ book by allowing each of the decoys to move their body so they look in the same direction as Alibi, similar to Loki.
The Stealthy Attacker Needs A Bit More To Her Kit To Stand Out
Nokk is designed to be the silent and stealthy attacker of the cast, whose gadget allows her to move through a map without being detected by cameras. The truth is though, Nokk has had one of the worst pickrates in the game since being added, and a big part of it is simply that she takes so long to get to the point. Additionally, Nokk isn’t exactly a team player since her gadget revolves entirely around her, meaning if she dies too early, she has contributed nothing to the team in that round.
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One way to revamp Nokk while still retaining her assassin-like persona is by letting her manipulate cameras at will. If she had the ability to shut down a camera for a few seconds, it would allow her to get to the point faster without being seen, and also without needing to open fire on the camera itself. However Ubisoft decides to fix her, Nokk definitely needs at least something changed to make her more appealing as an attacker.
There’s Potential To Make Capitao One Of The Best Anti-Roamers In The Game
Though Ubisoft has buffed Capitao’s crossbow to make it a bit more viable, this attacker is still largely outshined by many of his comrades when it comes to room clearing. Fuze, Zofia, Ying, these are just a few examples of attackers who tend to have an easier time flushing a room out with their gadgets, which is why it would be better to rework Capitao into an anti-flanker who can seek out roamers and protect his team from stealthy defenders.
If he could fire his crossbow bolts down as traps that ignite on impact, this would grant Capitao the ability to control small pockets of the map, while also exposing anyone who decides to get the jump on him and his team.
Amaru Could Become A Mobile Trickster With A Few Amendments To Her Grappling Hook
Amaru is a pretty strange operator, primarily because she seems so one-note. Her gadget is a grappling hook that allows Amaru to dive into a site head-first before opening fire on any defenders that she sets her sights on. The issue is she’s extremely risky to use, since when she begins grappling, the defenders can hear it revving up from a mile away, meaning nine times out of ten, she’ll be blasted to smithereens upon entering.
If her grappling hook allowed her to zoom up to a wall and stay there, without being forced to break through the window, it could allow her to maneuver around the map easily, without needing to expose herself in the process. It would also allow her to play mind games on the opponent by forcing them to wonder where they heard the grappling noise, and whether Amaru is going to break through the window or not.
Sens’ Bizarre Gadget Hasn’t Quite Made The Impact Ubisoft Wanted
While Sens’ gadget, the R.O.U Projector System, is very unique and fun to use, many people will actively avoid this character since there are so many others who perform better at map control, including Gridlock and Dokkabei. When Sens throws out their gadget, it will roll along the floor diagonally and create a smoke-like projection that covers an entire room, allowing Sens and their allies to move into the sight without being seen.
The issue is that this also prevents Sens’ own team from getting an idea of where the defenders even are, and in the worst-case scenario, it can encourage the attackers to rush in without thinking, only to be gunned down. Even though Sens can now turn the wall on and off at will, they would be better off getting a rework where they can maybe only use a single wall rather than one that runs in multiple directions, which ends up turning most rooms into a confusing maze.
- Released
December 1, 2015