Savage Idol Goes On Unexpected TV Show—Teaches Nosy Ahjussis A Lesson

OH MY GIRL‘s Mimi once sat down with four Dollsing Fourmen (also known as Invitation From Bacheloragains) hosts—all middle-aged divorced men—which even the hosts themselves found unexpected.

OH MY GIRL’s Mimi | @mimmiiiya/Instagram

Hey, Mimi? So… What made you decide to join us on Dollsing Fourmen today?!

— Host Kim Jun Ho

Regardless, throughout the episode, Mimi let her adored personality shine. Even when the hosts got a little cheeky with her, as they do with all guests, Mimi handled them with grace.

Lee Sang Min: Let’s hear it from you, Mimi. What do you think about the four men on Dollsing Fourmen?

Mimi: Um… You know, sometimes you get kind of cheeky with the guests and all. It’s… fascinating.

But when one of the hosts brought up the topic of marriage, Mimi did not put up with the ahjussis getting nosy. Her response had them completely flabbergasted, giving them a taste of their own medicine!


Lee Sang Min: What are your thoughts on marriage?

Mimi: Personally, I have absolutely no thoughts about marriage. Zero. I mean, I don’t even have a lot of dating experience either. So…

Kim Jun Ho: Oh, really?

Mimi: And… given programs like this…

Tak Jae Hoon: Wh-WHAT ABOUT THIS PROGRAM? Did we turn you against marriage?!

Mimi: I’m just saying… There is a reason programs like this exist. Watching them makes me realize there are things best not done. I’m just focusing on living my life.

The episode, while from 2023, still remains viral and loved. As Koreans celebrate Seollal, a festive Lunar New Year holiday sometimes overshadowed by nosy relatives, Mimi’s savagery is said to be inspiring. 

| theqoo
  • “LOL.”
  • “I hate this show because these rude ahjussis always cross the line with young female guests and it’s obvious they’re entertained by how the guests snap back. But with Mimi, when she said there’s a reason programs like theirs exist, you can tell their laughter isn’t genuine. What a packed punch, LOL.”
  • “What a woman Mimi is, haha. She’s so cool.”
  • “Smart girl.”
  • “Haha. Mimi is so funny, for real.”

Watch the full clip here:

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