A popular actress recently revealed details about her love life and corrected a misconception about her boyfriend of 25 years.
The SKY Castle actress Oh Na Ra has been dating Kim Do Hoon, a musical actor and professor, for 25 years. They couple met through the musical Empress Myeongseong in 2000, and have been an item for decades. Given how long they’ve been together, it’s not farfetched that some people might assume they’re married.
During an appearance on the Zzanbro YouTube channel, Na Ra talked about how she and her boyfriend ended up dating.
While filming the K-Drama The Man from Nowhere, I drank and was always in a drinking atmosphere (business dinners), and I was good at drinking. Actually, I ended up dating my boyfriend after drinking.
— Oh Na Ra
When actor Park Young Kyu referred to Kim Do Hoon as her “husband,” Na Ra swiftly corrected him by saying, “I am not married; he is my boyfriend.” When Park Young Kyu asked if she and her boyfriend are living together, she playfully replied, “What do you mean living together? He will send me away; we have been in a relationship for 25 years.”
Why haven’t they gotten married? According to Na Ra, she’s just been really busy. Young Kyu joked that couples find time to get married even during wartime, but hey. If she says she’s busy, she’s busy!
In the past, Na Ra said that the secret to her long-lived relationship is this: even when they fight, they never say, “Let’s break up,” because neither of them would mean it. Sometimes they go their separate ways for a few days after fighting, but they continue on with life as usual after they reunite.