Bullies Revealed: Names, Faces, And Group Chat Logs of MBC Weathercasters Who Harassed The Late Oh Yoanna

JTBC‘s investigative program Crime Chief and former MBC reporter Kim Say (best known for his controversial far-right YouTube channel) have unveiled the names, faces, and chat logs of MBC‘s weathercasters who bullied the late Oh Yoanna prior to her suicide death.

Oh Yoanna | @ohyoanna/Instagram

MBC Weathercaster’s Suicide Death Reveals Workplace Bullying Swept Under The Rug

Both Crime Chief and the YouTuber revealed the chilling message logs of the KakaoTalk group chatroom that were shared among the bullies. Noting that the material was shared with the program by the bereaved family, the two sources named MBC weathercasters Choi A Ri, Park Ha Myeong, Kim Ga Young, and Lee Hyun Seung as the bullies involved.

MBC weathercasters Choi A Ri (far left), Park Ha Myeong (center left), Kim Ga Young (center right), and Lee Hyun Seung (far right)

Earlier, it was revealed that MBC’s weathercasters created a separate group chatroom and outcast Oh Yoanna and weathercaster Kum Che Rim who entered MBC at the same time as Oh Yoanna.

Disturbing Evidence of Late Weathercaster Oh Yoanna’s Workplace Bullying Revealed—Public Outrage Targets MBC

Chat logs from December 26, 2022 revealed when the four bullies decided to exclude Oh Yoanna from the group chat. Based on the conversation, it is evident that Oh Yoanna tried standing up for herself and the sunbae weathercasters were, clearly, offended:

Lee Hyun Seung (Lee): Those two* are out of their minds.
*Assumed to be Oh Yoanna and Kum Che Rim

Kim Ga Young (Kim): Sunbae-nim, let’s just make a new group chat. Like… this is getting out of hand. Really. Can we please have some peace?

Lee: You’re right. They’re insane. We should all leave the group chat and leave them to it.

Kim: I’m sorry you have to deal with this, sunbae-nim.

Kim: They’re not just stupid… They’re so stubborn.

Lee: So stubborn. Like, they’re honestly crazy.

Kim: Yeah, both of them are not in their right minds.

When an unnamed insider revealed that the late Oh Yoanna had confined in fellow TV star Jang Sung Kyu about the situation at work…

Unnamed Insider (B): Oh Yoanna told Sung Kyu oppa that she’s an outcast at work and among the weathercasters.

Lee: What a crazy b*tch.

B: So Sung Kyu was asking me if something was wrong.

Lee: She should think about what she has done to us.

…the bullies blamed Oh Yoanna and immediately began criticizing her for not being presentable.

Lee: But does she not know you and Sung Kyu are close? She’s so dumb.

Kim: Seriously… Sung Kyu doesn’t know about what’s going on with Oh Yoanna since I don’t tell him about it. He asked me if something was up.

Lee: How does Sung Kyu know Oh Yoanna?

Kim: They work out together.

Lee: I’m telling you, she’s making us look like the bad guys. She should be better at her job before she spends so much time on exercising. You know, every morning when she gets her makeup done, she smells like alcohol.

Kim: Oh, I actually heard about that. I also heard that she doesn’t shower often…

Lee: Apparently so. Like, she was nasty. I think she shows up as soon as she gets up after having passed out drunk the last night.

Kim: What a f*cking mess…

Lee: A f*cking mess, for sure.

Well into 2023, the bullies did not hold back in the group chat—especially with Oh Yoanna’s You Quiz On The Block appearance and how unhappy they were with it.

B: Yesterday, Oh Yoanna reached out to me saying she wanted to talk to me about something. I told her to leave me a message and she said she doesn’t know how to act in front of you.

Lee: You know what? I hope she f*cks up and gets kicked out for missing a broadcast or something. I hate her so much. I just cannot get over the way she was glaring at me in the eyes like she was trying to fight me.

Lee: She’s the one who overstepped. She’s the one who bullied me! Did she think I’d let her off easy? Like really? She’s crazy.

B: Yeah, she tried to cry in front of me.

Lee: Trust me, I’m not usually like this. But that day, she was way over the line. Remember how she was like “Did I do something wrong? Is that my fault?” People would definitely think that I’m bullying her.

Lee: I wonder if she gets paid for all the times she just swings by for a special weather segment.

B: I wasn’t going to say this… but apparently, she thinks that being headstrong in a situation like this is better for her. It’s how she loves herself. So she doesn’t really care what we think. But… at least Yeon Jin (from The Glory) was good at her job. Had a good husband…

Lee: She’s crazy. One of my sunbaes messaged me after You Quiz. They were telling me about how weird Oh Yoanna is. They were like, ‘How is she a weathercaster?!’ To them, it shows. It shows that she isn’t good but she thinks she is. It’s a problem.

B: Oh, that episode was the worst.

Lee: She should’ve watched how I handled a TV show appearance. Then, she wouldn’t have made a fool of herself. I don’t understand what makes her so confident that she won’t monitor herself.

B: Remember when it was snowing on the west coast but she didn’t go at all?

Choi A Ri (Choi): I don’t get why MBC won’t fire her when she’s not doing her job that well. Since when were we so lenient?

Lee: Watching her segments embarrass me, honestly. MBC weather forecasts used to be so much better.

Once the bullies realized they had been blocked by Oh Yoanna, they criticized her for “playing the victim.”

Park Ha Myeong (Park): She blocked MBC people so they wouldn’t be able to see her Stories.

Lee: Hahaha.

Park: So those of us who work with her can’t see her stuff.

Lee: Are you serious? LOL. Why? I thought she had nothing to hide? But you know what, I’m glad she blocked me. At least I don’t have to see it anymore. I bet she’s still saying that her sunbaes are jealous of her or whatever.

Park: I can’t see her Stories either, haha.

Following the shocking revelation, the bereaved added, “Park Ha Myeong and Choi A Ri bullied Oh Yoanna to her face, but Lee Hyun Seung and Kim Ga Young did it behind her back.” It was also noted that the two weathercasters previously reported to not have attended Oh Yoanna’s funeral are Lee Hyun Seung and Kim Ga Young.

Kim Ga Young, Choi A Ri, and Park Ha Myeong all entered MBC together in August 2018. | OSEN

None of the four named weathercasters has responded to the revelation.

Read more about Oh Yoanna’s appearance on You Quiz On The Block that further fueled the workplace harassment.

Late Weathercaster’s “You Quiz On The Block” Episode Gets Deleted Amid Massive Bullying Scandal

Source: @jtbc_news and @HOVERLAB2018

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